🕸 Kubernetes Controllers

9 min readOct 21, 2024


Kubernetes is a powerful container orchestration platform that provides various abstractions to manage containerized applications. At the heart of Kubernetes are controllers — components that monitor the state of the cluster and make decisions to ensure the system operates as intended. Understanding Kubernetes controllers is crucial for effective application management in a Kubernetes environment.

What Are Kubernetes Controllers?

Kubernetes controllers are control loops that watch the state of your cluster and make adjustments as needed to ensure that the desired state matches the actual state. They operate continuously, running in the background and responding to changes in the cluster’s environment.

Key Responsibilities of Controllers

  1. State Monitoring: Controllers constantly monitor the state of resources (like Pods, Services, etc.) and compare it against the desired state defined by the user.
  2. State Reconciliation: When a discrepancy is detected, controllers take corrective actions to reconcile the actual state with the desired state. This could involve creating, updating, or deleting resources.
  3. Resource Management: They manage the lifecycle of various resources, ensuring optimal resource allocation, scaling, and availability.
  4. Event Handling: Controllers react to events in the cluster, such as node failures or resource deletions, by automatically initiating recovery actions.

Let’s break down each of the most common controllers in Kubernetes and provide a comprehensive look at their use cases, configurations, and best practices.

1. ReplicationController


The ReplicationController is responsible for maintaining a stable set of replica Pods running at all times. It ensures that the specified number of replicas are available and can automatically replace failed pods.

Key Features

  • Basic Replica Management: Monitors Pods and maintains the desired count.
  • Self-Healing: Automatically replaces failed or terminated Pods to ensure availability.

Use Cases

ReplicationControllers are mainly suitable for stateless applications where instances can be replaced without preserving any state.

Example Configuration

Here’s an example YAML file for a ReplicationController that manages a simple web application:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ReplicationController
name: my-web-app
replicas: 3 # Desired number of replicas
app: my-web-app # Labels to select Pods
app: my-web-app # Labels for the Pods
- name: my-web-app
image: my-web-app-image:latest # Container image
- containerPort: 80 # Exposed port


  • replicas: Specifies that there should always be 3 Pods running.
  • selector: Defines how to identify which Pods belong to this ReplicationController.
  • template: Provides the Pod specification, including metadata, labels, and container configurations.

Best Practices

  • Use Deployments instead of ReplicationControllers as they offer better features for updates and rollbacks.
  • Monitor the health of Pods to ensure high availability and responsiveness.

2. Deployment


The Deployment controller is a more advanced version of the ReplicationController, providing a declarative way to manage Pods. It manages ReplicaSets and facilitates updates to applications with ease.

Key Features

  • Declarative Updates: Users declare the desired state, and Kubernetes handles the transition.
  • Rolling Updates: Allows for seamless updates without downtime.
  • Rollback Capabilities: Easy to revert to a previous deployment if needed.

Use Cases

Deployments are perfect for stateless applications that require frequent updates, such as web services and microservices.

Example Configuration

Here’s a detailed Deployment configuration:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: my-web-app
replicas: 3 # Number of replicas to maintain
app: my-web-app # Selector for Pods
app: my-web-app # Labels for Pods
- name: my-web-app
image: my-web-app-image:latest # Container image
- containerPort: 80 # Exposed port
readinessProbe: # Checks if the app is ready to serve traffic
path: /health
port: 80
initialDelaySeconds: 5
periodSeconds: 10


  • replicas: Specifies that 3 instances of the application should be running.
  • readinessProbe: Ensures that traffic is only routed to Pods that are ready to serve requests.
  • rolling updates: Kubernetes handles updates by gradually replacing old Pods with new ones, maintaining service availability.

Best Practices

  • Always use Deployments for managing Pods over ReplicationControllers.
  • Implement health checks and readiness probes to ensure application reliability.
  • Use annotations to manage application versions and deployment strategies effectively.

3. ReplicaSet


The ReplicaSet is a mechanism to maintain a stable set of replica Pods running at any given time. While it can operate independently, it is typically managed by a Deployment.

Key Features

  • Maintains Desired State: Ensures that the specified number of Pods is always running.
  • Handles Pod Failures: Automatically creates new Pods when needed.

Use Cases

ReplicaSets can be used directly for simple applications, but it’s often recommended to use Deployments for better management.

Example Configuration

Here’s how a ReplicaSet configuration might look:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: ReplicaSet
name: my-app-replicaset
replicas: 3 # Desired number of replicas
app: my-app # Selector for Pods
app: my-app # Labels for Pods
- name: my-app
image: my-app-image:latest # Container image
- containerPort: 80 # Exposed port


  • This ReplicaSet ensures that three instances of my-app are running, but it lacks the advanced features of Deployments, such as rollout management.

Best Practices

  • Use Deployments to manage ReplicaSets to take advantage of rolling updates and rollback features.
  • Monitor the status of the ReplicaSet to ensure the desired number of replicas is running.

4. StatefulSet


StatefulSets are designed for stateful applications. They manage the deployment of Pods that require stable identities and persistent storage.

Key Features

  • Stable Network Identity: Each Pod has a unique identity that is maintained across restarts.
  • Ordered Deployment and Scaling: Pods are created, updated, and deleted in a specific order.
  • Persistent Storage: Each Pod can have its own persistent volume, allowing it to retain state across restarts.

Use Cases

StatefulSets are ideal for applications like databases, where persistent storage and stable identities are crucial.

Example Configuration

Here’s a StatefulSet configuration for a database application:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: StatefulSet
name: my-database
serviceName: "my-database" # Headless service for stable identities
replicas: 3 # Number of replicas
app: my-database # Selector for Pods
app: my-database # Labels for Pods
- name: my-database
image: my-database-image:latest
- containerPort: 5432 # Database port
- name: my-database-storage
mountPath: /var/lib/my-database # Persistent storage mount path
- metadata:
name: my-database-storage
accessModes: [ "ReadWriteOnce" ]
storage: 5Gi # Size of persistent volume


  • Each Pod in the StatefulSet has a unique name, ensuring consistent network identities.
  • volumeClaimTemplates: Each Pod gets its own persistent volume to store data, ensuring that state is retained across restarts.

Best Practices

  • Use StatefulSets for applications that require persistent storage and stable network identities.
  • Configure headless services to facilitate stable networking.

5. DaemonSet


A DaemonSet ensures that a specific Pod runs on all nodes in the cluster, or on a subset of nodes. It is useful for deploying background tasks or services that need to run on every node.

Key Features

  • Node Coverage: Automatically adds Pods to new nodes when they are added to the cluster.
  • Specialized Workloads: Often used for logging, monitoring, or other node-level tasks.

Use Cases

DaemonSets are commonly employed for running log collection agents (like Fluentd or Logstash), monitoring agents (like Prometheus Node Exporter), and network proxies.

Example Configuration

Here’s a configuration for a Fluentd DaemonSet:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: DaemonSet
name: fluentd
app: fluentd # Selector for Pods
app: fluentd # Labels for Pods
- name: fluentd
image: fluent/fluentd:v1.12-debian-1
- containerPort: 24224 # Fluentd port
- name: varlog
mountPath: /var/log # Mounting host log directory
- name: varlog
path: /var/log # Host log path


  • This DaemonSet will run Fluentd on every node, collecting logs from /var/log and forwarding them to a central logging service.

Best Practices

  • Use labels to manage and identify DaemonSets effectively.
  • Monitor DaemonSets closely, as they run on all nodes and can consume resources across the cluster.

6. Job


A Job controller is used to manage the execution of a finite number of Pods. It ensures that a specified number of Pods successfully complete their tasks.

Key Features

  • Completion Tracking: Monitors the completion of Pods and ensures that a specified number have succeeded.
  • Automatic Retry: If a Pod fails, the Job will automatically create a new Pod until the specified number of successful completions is reached.

Use Cases

Jobs are typically used for batch processing tasks, data migrations, or any task that has a defined start and end.

Example Configuration

Here’s a Job configuration for processing data:

apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
name: data-processor
- name: processor
image: my-data-processor:latest
restartPolicy: OnFailure # Restart the pod if it fails


  • This Job will create a Pod to run the my-data-processor container. If the Pod fails, Kubernetes will restart it until it completes successfully.

Best Practices

  • Ensure that jobs are idempotent to prevent duplicate processing.
  • Monitor job completions and failures to ensure successful execution.

7. CronJob


A CronJob is similar to a Job but is designed to run at scheduled times, similar to cron jobs in Unix-like operating systems.

Key Features

  • Scheduled Execution: Allows you to define a schedule using cron syntax.
  • Concurrency Control: You can control whether multiple instances of the job are allowed to run concurrently.

Use Cases

CronJobs are useful for periodic tasks, such as backups, reports, or any recurring jobs.

Example Configuration

Here’s a configuration for a CronJob that runs daily:

apiVersion: batch/v1beta1
kind: CronJob
name: daily-backup
schedule: "0 2 * * *" # Runs every day at 2 AM
- name: backup
image: my-backup-image:latest
restartPolicy: OnFailure # Restart if the job fails


  • This CronJob runs the my-backup-image container every day at 2 AM. If the backup job fails, Kubernetes will restart it automatically.

Best Practices

  • Use sensible schedules to avoid overloading your cluster.
  • Monitor CronJobs for failures and successful completions.

8. Custom Resource Definition (CRD)


A Custom Resource Definition allows you to extend Kubernetes’ capabilities by defining your own resource types. This is how you can create custom controllers.

Key Features

  • Extensibility: Allows for the addition of new resource types to the Kubernetes API.
  • Custom Controllers: Can be paired with controllers to manage the lifecycle of the new resource.

Use Cases

CRDs are used when you need to represent domain-specific objects in your cluster, such as a custom application resource.

Example Configuration

Here’s an example of a CRD definition:

apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1
kind: CustomResourceDefinition
name: myresources.mygroup.k8s.io # Name of the custom resource
group: mygroup.k8s.io # API group
- name: v1 # Version of the custom resource
served: true
storage: true
scope: Namespaced # Scope of the resource (namespaced or cluster)
plural: myresources # Plural name for the resource
singular: myresource # Singular name for the resource
kind: MyResource # Kind of the resource


  • This CRD allows you to create, manage, and monitor MyResource instances, just like built-in Kubernetes resources.

Best Practices

  • Design CRDs carefully to ensure they fit well within the Kubernetes API ecosystem.
  • Use controllers to manage the lifecycle of custom resources.

9. Ingress


The Ingress resource manages external access to services in a cluster, typically over HTTP. It provides HTTP routing, SSL termination, and other features.

Key Features

  • Path-Based Routing: Routes traffic based on the request URL path.
  • TLS Termination: Can manage SSL certificates for HTTPS.

Use Cases

Ingress is commonly used for web applications that need to expose multiple services under a single IP address or domain.

Example Configuration

Here’s a configuration for an Ingress resource:

apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
name: my-ingress
- host: myapp.example.com # Domain for routing
- path: /
pathType: Prefix
name: my-service # Service to route traffic to
number: 80 # Port of the service


  • This Ingress resource routes all traffic coming to myapp.example.com to the my-service service on port 80. This enables clean URL structures and reduces the number of IP addresses needed.

Best Practices

  • Use Ingress Controllers for more advanced features, like authentication and rate limiting.
  • Monitor Ingress performance to ensure efficient routing and response times.


Kubernetes controllers provide the necessary building blocks to manage applications within a Kubernetes cluster. By understanding the unique characteristics and appropriate use cases for each controller, you can design resilient, scalable, and efficient applications.

Summary of Controllers

  • ReplicationController: Maintains a stable set of replica Pods.
  • Deployment: Advanced controller for managing application updates with ease.
  • ReplicaSet: Manages a stable set of Pods, typically used with Deployments.
  • StatefulSet: Manages stateful applications that require stable identities and persistent storage.
  • DaemonSet: Ensures specific Pods run on all (or a subset of) nodes in the cluster.
  • Job: Manages the execution of finite tasks and ensures completion.
  • CronJob: Schedules periodic jobs for tasks like backups and reports.
  • CRD: Allows users to extend the Kubernetes API with custom resource types.
  • Ingress: Manages external access to services and provides HTTP routing.

By leveraging the strengths of each controller, you can ensure high availability, efficient resource utilization, and seamless application updates, setting the stage for success in your DevOps initiatives. As you explore and implement these controllers in your own projects, you’ll find that they streamline application management and facilitate a more robust infrastructure.



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